Juana and Chris, a couple from Canada, embarked on a romantic journey to the stunning Amalfi Coast for their intimate wedding celebration. With Juana being a designer herself, the couple envisioned a day that would reflect their modern aesthetic and love for sophistication.
Juana had a clear vision of a total white, sophisticated, and modern concept for their elopement. Different white hues, varying textures, and artisanal details were at the core of this vision, making the design process a truly collaborative and delightful experience.
The magnificent cloister of the Anantara Convento di Amalfi served as the backdrop for the ceremony. Rich in history and architectural beauty, the cloister provided a perfect setting for Juana and Chris's vows. Our design project aimed to elevate the space, creating a wonderful frame for the couple's heartfelt exchange of promises. Delicate white flowers, drapes, and a touch of peach added an ethereal and elegant atmosphere to this historic venue.
Following a memorable photo session in the charming streets of Amalfi, the couple enjoyed a typical Italian aperitif. The timeless beauty of the surroundings perfectly complemented their love story, creating unforgettable moments captured in every photograph.
The celebration continued with a marvelous private dinner, curated to perfection. The table setting mirrored the sophistication of the couple's vision, featuring a total white tablescape with different textures and tones. The result was a breathtaking and elegant ambiance that perfectly encapsulated Juana and Chris's style.
Juana and Chris's elopement at Anantara Convento di Amalfi Grand Hotel was a testament to the power of a well-executed vision and meticulous design. From the historic cloister ceremony to the intimate dinner, every detail was carefully curated to create a modern love story against the backdrop of the timeless Amalfi Coast.